Dear Chantri, the you of the future...
Dear Chantri, the you of the future may collect the us in the present maybe decide to call it a history put it in a room filled with people and give them all funny names
Installation / Exhibition organized by Franklin Melendez at Lodos Gallery.
Mexico City, February 5 – April 6, 2016.
Installation composed of the video Painting with history in a room filled with people with funny names 3, egg yolk yellow light gels, 2 denim pillows, 3D printed drone mask, cement and silicone.
The exhibition Dear Chantri, the you of the future may collect the us in the present maybe decide to call it a history put it in a room filled with people and give them all funny names stages the installation created by Korakrit Arunanondchai around his video Painting with history in a room filled with people with funny names.
The film situates the artist’s work within a unique cosmology.
This film is the epilogue to a series of 4 works created since 2011, about the making of a painter. In the present world, where reality and fiction merge together to form diverse paradigms, Korakrit Arunanondchai develops his character : a Thai denim painter.
The film situates the artist’s work within a unique cosmology, indoctrinating viewers with his rap star vernacular of philosophical musings on enlightenment. Heaven and Hell become diametrically opposed interpretations of a world created from the feedback loop of experience and synchronous digital documentation. A motif repeated throughout the film and carried over into the works of the Nave, the “search for Naga” is not simply a reference to an exotic symbol but an allusion to the pan-cultural Ouroboros, an eternally returning cycle representing his practice.